
Clubs & Activities

Witty Whitman’s Club (Theatre Club)

Witty Whitman’s Club is our Drama Clubat NLA. Named after the American Poet, Walt Whitman, this club allows the children to engage with their creative side by enacting shortskits and plays.

My Dream Club (Fashion and Cooking Club)

Our children learn the basics of cooking through which they develop an interest in cookery and also understand the importance of nutrition and good health. Through ‘My Dream Fashion Club’ children draw and design clothes nurturing qualities of creativity, imagination and innovation.

Dexter’s Discovery Club (Science Club)

Dexter’s Discovery Club gives students the platform to explore and experiment with scientific theories and concepts. It enables the practical application of scientific concepts that are learnt in the classroom..

Earthen Club (Clay Moulding and Sculpting)

In the Earthen Club, children work with terracotta claystimulating creativity and imagination through tactile experiences that strengthen their hands.

Mathemagician Club (Math club)

By engaging in mathematical games our students enjoy exploring number combinations, place values, patterns, and other important mathematical concepts.

Little Transformer’s Club (Robotics)

Robotics helps our children develop scientific enquiry skillsvital for success in the 21st Century, allowing them to investigate, plan, test and implement their ideas, enabling them to reach their full potential.

Fly high Club (Aeromodelling)

Our children in the Fly High Club learn about the components, basic principles and building of model aeroplanes.

Big Bang Club (Astronomy)

Having dedicated astronomy clubs in our school hasallowed our children to know more about celestial objects and are a hit amongst our children.